
Being able to read is one of those skills that many people take for granted. It’s an almost innate habit, something we can’t help but do as we go about our daily lives.

But imagine a world in which you couldn’t read. Think about all the information you’d miss out on, the stories that would go unread and most importantly, the stories that would go unwritten.

In a bid to capture these stories and help to preserve these memories, AlmapBBDO has created a campaign for HP that aims to empower Brazil’s illiterate community.

In a country, that contains more than 13 million people who can’t read, the agency sought them out and documented their stories, weaving them into a documentary (below), book (available online) and interactive website.



Fishermen, forest foragers and artisans came together to retell their stories and share their experiences with close friends and family.

Furthermore, the campaign installed a voice-activated photo booth in a busy train station which listened to people's stories and converted their voice messages into personalised postcards.



More information about the project can be found online.

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