
For all you football fans who are eagerly awaiting putting on your team’s shirt ahead of Football Shirt Friday, spare a thought for those working in the city with uncompromising bosses.

A new campaign created by PSONA follows hard man actor Alan Ford and comedian Omid Djalili in their attempt to tackle this problem by entering offices and convincing bosses of the worthiness of the cause.



While the spot is light-hearted and comical, it contains a very real message as this Friday is dedicated to late footballer Bobby Moore who died from bowel cancer in 1993. In his honour, the Bobby Moore Fund charity was created thanks to his wife and Cancer Research UK as a way of raising money and awareness of the disease.

This year will mark the fourth anniversary of Football Shirt Friday with thousands of pounds already going towards researching bowel cancer.

“With this campaign we have made Football Shirt Friday matter by pointing out to company bosses how they are slowing down the fight against bowel cancer over something as trivial as an office dress code,” says PSONA’s ECD Jamie Bell.

To get involved, football fans can donate via text, online or through JustGiving. For more information on taking part, click here or tweet your support using #FootballShirtFriday.

And remember, there’s no excuse not to wear your shirt no matter how strict your boss may be… just show them the video of Alan Ford and his threats and they’ll know not to mess with you.


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