
Comedy director Declan Lowney spills the beans on his daily rituals. Functioning between Hove and London, there never seems to be a dull moment for him particularly when there's a car window to look through or a van slogan to interpret.


04.18 Early riser

Even though I’m Irish, I live in Hove Actually (which is really just Brighton, but Hove folk take exception to the Brighton moniker, hence the rather affronted, "Hove actually”).

If I’m working in London I commute by train. From this station actually...


04.22 Safe-keeping

Behind the station there’s a car park. The spaces are numbered which actually really helps to find your car when you return. At night.

This isn't actually my car though... My car was stolen two years ago.


04.24 Easy entertainment

This is funny! Someone left these Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer glasses in the back window of the Porsche...

I better stop taking pictures now as the guy who owns the Porsche is getting pretty freaked out. Actually.


04.35 Wakey wakey

An espresso from the station coffee shop. Actually, I ordered two cups, so that’s a double. Espresso.


11.34 Come fly with me

My train always passes Gatwick airport, and it’s hard not to envy those lucky people jetting off on their wonderful holidays. Bastards.


12.41 Top secret mission

Today I’m directing a commercial for **** at ***** ******, with ***** *** ***** and ***,  *****, but I can’t tell you anything about it because I signed an NWA... So I've sneaked outside the studio to take this sneak pic.

But actually I have to go back in now because “they’ve arrived".


16.07 Artmobile

One of the sparks put this on the side of the genny - I actually have no idea what it means… and my name isn’t Olivia.


18.24 Oh la la

Part of the buzz of being a director is that you go to funky places and discover exciting new things. Tonight I’m in West London! I’m actually trying to find my hotel. My producer says it's in a chi-chi part of town... called the A40.


20.53 These boots were made for walking

Found it! Actually this is the longest corridor in any Travel Lodge. Anywhere.


20.56: Ahh! Zen

Bedtime reading… my wife bought me this book on MINDFULNESS for Christmas. (R) But I got the last laugh, because I don’t actually have a car... My car was stolen two years ago.


03.19 Like a bug in a rug

The Travel Lodge manager has asked me to stop walking around taking pictures now. Or else put some clothes on. Good night shots x

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