
Cedric Gairard has over 20 years of experience in advertising as a producer on both the agency and production sides at companies including W+K, 180, Nexus and Pulse Films.

Earlier this year he made the move to New York agency Johannes Leonardo where he now acts as head of production overseeing client work for brands including adidas Originals, TripAdvisor, Google and The Coca-Cola Company.

Below, he talks about his top tech, favourite shows and films as well as offering opinion on the ad industry's current state.


What’s the best ad campaign you’ve seen recently?

Barack Obama gets it right again with After his appearance on Between Two Ferns, saw a 40 per cent boost of traffic; a reminder that advertising can contribute to making a better life for many.


What website(s) do you use most regularly and why?

I like a daily mix-up of creative, business and tech news. Usually, there is always something to spark my imagination and curiosity at –  


Creative Applications Network


What’s the most recent piece of tech that you’ve bought and why?

An Apple Watch. An expensive gadget, but it keeps getting better and better throughout my day. I am not good at being locked up in an office or constantly looking at my phone, so wearable tech works for me.


What are your favourite apps in general and why?

Evernote – I can’t work without it.

Medium - Always something great to read about.

Keezy – A fun audio app to play together with my kids or when I travel.

What’s your favourite TV show and why?

Mr Robot is great. I was disappointed with True Detective Season 2. I also loved the cast and production of The Americans and really enjoyed Foo Fighters: Sonic Highways.

What film do you think everyone should have seen?

There are so many, but lately I’ve been watching a lot of documentaries.

If I had to pick one from the last few weeks, I would recommend The Special Need. It’s beautifully honest.

I also like the documentary The Possibilities Are Endless by D.A.R.Y.L. of Pulse Films.


Where were you when inspiration last struck?

Swimming across a mile long lake in Connecticut. 



What’s the most significant change you’ve witnessed in the industry since you started working in it?

Branded and sponsored content is growing, melding the worlds of journalism and entertainment with advertising and marketing. It’s a complicated landscape, but if done honestly, it can be very impactful.

I also believe that consumers don't want to interact with brands as much as brands think they do. It seems that brands with the most restraint are the ones having the biggest impact. Quality over quantity!



If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry, what would it be?

We need to bring back some creative risk taking! Advertising is no longer attracting talent that it used to which I think says something about the quality of the work out there. I believe brands, agencies and production companies that are investing in the next generation will win. The Kennedys and 72U are two good examples from unquestionably great agencies.



What or who has most influenced your career and why?

Peter Cline, owner of 180 and best producer I know. He is my professional mentor. I thank Peter for everything I get to produce. Eleven years ago, Peter let me produce adidas’ Impossible is Nothing and it’s still the most memorable time in my career.

Jelly Helm, the creative director of Studio Jelly, he is a visionary and soulful friend who thinks hard about the impact of what we do for a living!

Alvaro Sotomayor, who created The Kennedys. He is a super talented creative and the happiest and most generous guy I know in advertising… as well as an inspiring artist, husband, father, godfather and friend.

Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know…

I started out as an account guy at Euro RSCG and surfed a lot in Guadalupe for two years.


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