
What’s your definition of what the Branded Content category means in 2015?

The category was new three years ago. Today I am more surprised by mobile or activation. I was interested to see the results of the Data Lions this year. The real creative future is in data.

Ogilvy Paris won a Lion in Branded Content in its first year; tell us about that and what the triumph meant?

Triumph means Grand prix. No Grand Prix no Triumph. And the Grand Prix needs to be an obvious standout from the rest.

What, for you, makes a great Branded Content & Entertainment entry and what, from the last 12 months, has impressed you?

This year won't be the best brand content year. I didn't see any Volvo truck and Intel Inside type of work. The type of work where you are like "F**K.  I am jealous.”


What do you think the Cannes jury for this category will be looking for in 2015?

Obvious, great work. Courage. Something new. And, hopefully, something that redefines the category for next year, like every year.

How has the relationship between a brand and its customers changed in recent years and are brands more aware now of their place in a consumer’s life?

The relationship changes every three seconds. One bad buzz and the brand’s dead. One changing trend and you are the top brand for the year. It's all about constant dialogue between the brand and the consumer. Like a tennis game where you can't let the ball fall down.

How do you think this area of the business will evolve in the coming years?

There'll be more interactivity; quicker, faster. It's about everyday dialogue. Quality of content every day. It's gonna be super challenging.  

What have you been looking for this week and what's been the hot topic?

I've been looking for work that makes me die inside with jealousy. The hot topic is data for sure.

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