
Today is Labor Day 2014, when American employees enjoy a day out of the office to celebrate the nation’s workforce and honour the professionals who make it what it is.

Occurring on the first Monday in September, the annual occasion offers a reflective interval for the nation to consider the contribution of those who pull together to make the country tick.

Tide is currently running with a campaign celebrating uniforms for the this year’s Labor Day and below, we scale the shots archive to dig out some other work-themed ads with a My shots folder dedicated to the national holiday.

Relaying the message

Sticking with Tide’s #honoruniform theme, director Peter Dietrich’s Vodafone spot, Relay Race, sees a host of tradesmen shuffling through their places of business in a seamless spot from the Middle East region. Created by JWT Cairo, the commercial promotes the idea of being better connected for business and is carried along with a slap of the hand to bridge the action and promote the idea of teamwork.

Getting the shakes

Pulse director Ninian Doff’s promo, Money, for UK indie rock quartet, Peace, sees the connected theme continue and invites us in for a fly on the wall look at the goings on inside an office building where secret handshakes are the currency for success. Suits and ties are the dress code of choice and the video culminates with a scene featuring a lizard-person rounding off a bizarre sequence of events in a covert world.

Electronic intervention

Email is the central communication tool at most modern workplaces today and with more volume comes an increased level of interaction. With that, The Richards Group explores every office worker’s worst nightmare in a funny spot produced by O Positive Films. A man is led to believe he has slipped up by sending an email via the ‘reply all’ button before clambering to intercept the electronic message in the physical world to spare himself embarrassment. We’ve all been there, right?

Feeling free

Agency Robert/Boisen & Like-Minded’s commercial will remind you of a scene from Jerry Maguire, but instead of Tom Cruise as a sports agent, the main star appears as a fed up office worker who decides to clock off early in favour of family time. Directed by Sebastian Strasser, the ad is a short and sweet watch and communicates the idea of living your life and loving your home.

After hours

Being up against it in the office can sometimes work in your favour if you are clever and cunning enough to use it to your advantage. Created through Big Communications and directed by Jon Greenhalgh, WKD’s typically funny spot sees a man receive a call from his loved one to check whether he’ll be home in the evening after a long day at the office. Already at the pub, however, it seems he’s come prepared as he ushers for silence and pretends to still be at his desk before saying goodbye and resuming his noisy lad-like antics.

Click here to play all the above videos in our My shots Monday Labor Day-themed playlist.
