
Last night (Sunday 10 August) the moon appeared bigger and brighter than it has done for decades as the second of three ‘supermoons’ emerged in the sky as part of a unique lunar spectacle.

Shining 30 per cent brighter and appearing 14 per cent bigger compared to the visibility of regular full moons throughout the year, yesterday saw the peak of the unique three-part display, which occurred due to the moon reaching the point in its orbit closest to Earth.

To mark the rare occasion – which saw a similar supermoon emerge last month and one set for September – below we run through some memorable spots from the shots archives featuring the moon as a prominent asset.

Speed of light

It isn’t only a bright moon that captures our attention. WCRS and Rogue director Sam Brown made us look to the sky by blackening out the lunar rays in this sleek ad. Set in a sweltering desert location as a solar eclipse looms, people gather to witness the spectacle as the car manufacturer’s 6 Series Gran Coupe powers through the earth’s atmosphere in to coincide with the temporary darkness. The action is set in accordance with the tagline, Beauty. Seldom seen, and impressive VFX for the ad was taken care of by The Mill.

Full and round

Taking a hands-on approach, director Ania Hoffman, created this impressive test spot for Nike. A basketball player stands before a hoop and takes a run up as if to perform a dunk shot, however, he has no ball. Reaching out for the moon instead, he grabs the glowing shape and slams it though the net. A52 is the post production company on the job and the piece is worthy of a legitimately commissioned piece for the brand.

Houston history

Getting even closer to the moon is The Concept Farm with a humorous spot for The History Channel and its factual nature of programming. Directed by Gregg Wasiak and John Gellos, the piece plays on the monumental moon landing of Neil Armstrong in 1969, adding a humorous slant. Cutting between Houston and Space, a man knocks his cup of coffee over just as Armstrong is about to set foot on the uncharted surface meaning he misses the moment. The end of the ad communicates the message, “In case you missed it the first time”.

Marketing space

Also adopting Armstrong’s phenomenal feat as the basis of its campaign, French financial newspaper, Les Echos, resorts to the history books to form the basis of its campaign from 2012. BDDP & Fils is the agency at the helm of the joke which sees an astronaut do all the hard work of landing on the moon before bottling the final frontier at the last minute due to a bout of anti-climactic indecisiveness. Arnaud Roussel is the man on directing duty through WHY US?

Midnight hour

Moving from France to South Africa with an ad to promote milk and the bright shine of a full moon brings out a host of interesting characters from the dead of night. Taking inspiration from Michael Jackson’s iconic Thriller promo, the spot sees the zombies dancing in the moonlight before spotting a spritely, colourful counterpart incorporating a funny punchline into the scene. Foxp2 created the commercial and the piece is shot by Trevor Clarence.

Click here to watch all our moon-related spots collated in our My shots folder. The third and final supermoon is set to appear on the night of Tuesday 9 September 2014.
