
Back in January shots asked us to guest edit their magazine. We only agreed to do it because we want to win some more business.

We bullshitted through most of our meetings with them in February and March. We just outright avoided them in April. We left it until May to to actually start any work. We nearly pulled out of doing it three weeks before the deadline.

You might be expecting a punchline.There isn't one. I'm the fourth writer to have a crack at this intro piece.

And I'm drunk.

A punchline is beyond me. It's just the truth. And over 40-odd pages of shots issue 151 you will find even more truths. Forty pages that many of you will hope are   

shit. And which some may hope are good. So, to give you a head start we asked Will Self to review our issue for you... and we lied about this issue's front cover. Anthony Burrill said yes.


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